salesian cooperatorsThe Salesian Cooperators are an integral part of the Salesian Family founded by St John Bosco to be “Salesians in the World”. They seek to spread the distinctive Salesian Spirit by the way they try to live out their daily lives.

They are ordinary men and women who have been drawn to the charism of Don Bosco. Whilst the main thrust of Don Bosco’s work was dedicated to the education and development of young people the apostolate of the Cooperator is far more wide ranging and embraces many roles in parish life including – ministers of Holy Communion, readers, catechists, visiting the sick and lonely etc. etc.

The local Parish Group meet every fourth Thursday of the month in St. Anne’s Church & Parish Centre starting with Holy Mass at 7.30pm. All are most welcome to join us.

This February we are hosting a Saturday Day of Reflection, openly inviting all parishioners and friends within St. Anne’s and The Holy Family Addlestone

February Day of Recollection 22.02.2025